Do you want to work from home?

Many people do.

Long hours, demanding jobs with less-than-ideal salaries, feeling underappreciated, lack of recognition for effort – all of these things have led unmeasurable amounts of individuals to begin searching for an alternative to their 9-5.

But, where to begin?

There is so much information out there that a simple google search for an online job or home business can lead you down a virtual rabbit hole that is almost impossible to come out of.

There’s a lot to learn and it is easy to become overwhelmed by the sheer amount of options that are available.

So, what IS the best online business for beginners?

How can you get started with only a little bit of money to invest?

What is something that you can do as a side-gig until you begin earning enough money to fire your boss?

The simple answer is Affiliate Marketing.

But, let’s talk about why affiliate marketing is the best online business for beginners.

Becoming an affiliate marketer is absolutely free. There are no startup costs, no kits to buy, no products to create, no product support to provide.

You simply choose a product that is already created and focus on selling.

You can get started without a website, which is a huge relief to a lot of people who aren’t particularly tech-savvy.

And, you don’t need any product creation skills. The Seller has already done all the heavy work for you!

In fact, many of them give additional help by offering done-for-you marketing materials on their JV pages.

What do you need to know in order to become an Affiliate Marketer?

Affiliate marketing helps cut down on the learning curve to get started with an online business. But, there are some things you’ll need to know.

How To Choose A Niche – A niche is simply an area of expertise – a narrowed down, specific point of interest that you will focus your marketing efforts on.

In the JVZoo Marketplace, you will find products that are suited for practically any niche you can think of – health and wellness, software, social media, graphics creation, list building, etc.

A good rule of thumb is to begin with a niche that you are familiar with and have some knowledge about. That way, you have a head start on knowing what your ideal customer will need.

For a more detailed explanation of how to choose your niche, please read:
How To Build Your Niche Marketing Strategy

Who You Will Market To – Once you’ve chosen a specific niche, you’ll have a better idea of who you will want to focus your marketing efforts on.

Use your common sense. You can’t try to sell info products on gardening to people whose passions lie in the website development niche and expect to see outstanding results.

Your job as an affiliate marketer is to match your customers’ needs with a product that will help them solve their problems.

How To Brand Yourself – One of the most important aspects of being a successful affiliate marketer is becoming a person that other people know, like and trust.

Establishing yourself as an expert in your field takes time and effort, but with consistency and persistence, it will happen.

Share helpful, relevant information with your audience that helps them with their problems and answers their questions and don’t spend all your time promoting products for them to buy.

A good combination of the two, focusing on their needs is what will help you become the go-to person when they think of your niche.

For more information on this subject, visit
6 Tips For Becoming An Authority In Your Niche

Additional Resources You Will Need Eventually

While you can begin your affiliate marketing career without these tools, eventually you will find that they will be necessary for continued success.

An Autoresponder – Email marketing is the preferred way to communicate with your prospective customers. As your business grows, you will find that building your list will become a necessity for keeping the sales flowing and commissions coming in.

A Website – Having your own website gives you an extra piece of virtual real-estate and gives you more of a professional presence. It’s also a great place to showcase your own content, reviews and perhaps eventually, your own products!

Affiliate marketing really is the best online business for beginners.

It is one that embodies the ‘earn as you learn’ business model and gives you the enormous potential for financial growth.

Take a look at our JVZoo Interview series for additional advice and inspiration from our most successful Users.

Then, head on over to JVZoo and create your own free affiliate account today!

Looking for more help in finding the right niche?  Join the JVZoo Academy HERE, and check out these premium sellers on JVZoo:


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