Ad you begin to build your list, you will need to start engaging with your subscribers by sending out emails on a regular basis. Keep in mind that your list is not your personal advertising audience, but people who you will need to build an actual relationship with. Bonding with your list allows them to get to know, like, and trust you, which leads to a mutually beneficial relationship. Here are some tips to help you get started:

Start With an Engaging Headline

You already know the subject line for your email is important because it helps people want to open it and read the content, but don’t forget it also becomes a way to engage with your subscribers. This subject line shouldn’t be bland and boring, talking about what is inside the email. It should really give them a sense of your mood and the benefits of opening that email. Telling your subscribers they deserve to have a successful business is much more engaging than simply mentioning you have a new product or report you are trying to promote.

Include Non-Promotional Information in Your Emails

Another way to bond more with your list is to not simply look at them as if they are someone that might buy products you are promoting. Talk to them as the real people they are, and give them information you believe would be useful to them. If you are trying to promote an eBook that talks about overcoming a divorce, give them some interesting facts about divorce and research the physical and emotional effects that a divorce can have on a person. This way, you are engaging them, giving them information they can use, and showing them why they need this eBook.

Don’t Be Shy About Personal Conversations

While you don’t want to be too personal in your emails, it is okay to relate certain things to your own life when it is appropriate. Going back to the divorce eBook you are hypothetically promoting; if you have gone through a divorce, that is worth mentioning briefly as a way to show you understand how difficult it is getting through a divorce. You are further bonding with your readers by explaining how you understand from personal experience what it is like and how you would have benefited from this type of book if it was available then.

Ask For Requests and Suggestions

Speak directly to your list on occasion and ask if they would like to see anything special in future emails. Ask for requests, create a simple survey they can fill out, and let them know you are always willing to listen to suggestions they have. Perhaps there is a topic related to your niche that you haven’t expanded on yet, but they are really curious to learn more about it. This is the perfect opportunity to use those suggestions to craft future emails.

Always Reply to Emails

On occasion, you might have someone reply to a newsletter you send out. They might need clarification, have a request, or simply want to comment about what you were discussing. Your followers are reaching out and trying to engage you, so don’t ignore them! This is what you want as it helps to form a bond with them, so take full advantage and respond to them promptly.

Make Your Emails Relevant

You may come across certain products that you would like to promote, but that don’t necessarily fit in with your demographic. You don’t – and shouldn’t – promote every product you come across. If you know your readers are more health-based, don’t try to promote something technical that isn’t at all relevant to the niche you are in. Not only will they not click, but it could even cause some subscribers to lose interest and unsubscribe.

List building is a very personalized aspect of your business, if you do it correctly. Many marketers fail in this area and only use their list as a way to send out ad after ad and promotional offer after promotional offer. Don’t be that guy. Let your personality, your helpfulness, and your sincerity shine through in your emails and you will soon have a strong, mutually beneficial bond with your list.


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