Is your inbox absolutely blowing up will holiday email offers?

It’s hard to ignore the constant barrage of holiday emails, especially from the Big Name Brands. Kind of annoying really…

But, they ARE getting in your head by the frequency they are mailing you, aren’t they?

Is there a way to stand out and get your offer noticed WITHOUT annoying your subscribers. I mean, let’s face it: you worked your butt off to get each and every valuable subscriber and you don’t want to lose them.

The Big Name Brands don’t really care if they annoy you. They are crushing it regardless of whether you unsubscribe or not… and places like Target know you’ll be back anyway!

But you… You may want to try other tactics that work and don’t lead to your subscribers.

  • The Subject Line – In an inbox exploding with offers, an eye-catching subject line is crucial. If you don’t catch your reader’s eye in the few seconds of scrolling and deadly mass deleting, your offer is lost forever. Using numbers, catchy phrases, and ⭐⭐emojis⭐⭐ helps your subject line stand out. DigitalMarketer caught my eye this week with the subject line “Unicorns Pooping Rainbows?”:

Get MORE ideas on awesome subject lines by grabbing JVZoo’s Top 50 Email Subject Lines List HERE

  • The Deal – If you offer a killer and undeniable deal, your subscribers are going to take notice. Everyone is on a deal hunt over the holidays, so give ‘em what they want! Even if it’s such a crazy deal that you feel like you are taking a loss, remember that making new, loyal customers during the holiday season can create year-round repeat business! Use urgency as the holiday season reaches its climax. Last minute shoppers are big business!

  • The Freebie – ‘Tis the season to GIVE. Everyone loves free stuff. It could be the reason your prospective buyer makes the decision to buy this time of year. There are SO many choices…sweeten the deal with some freebies or bonuses. A great way to add bonuses is to use one of JVZoo’s Favorite Tools: Commission Gorilla!


Test your campaigns to see which ones are converting better and take note of it so you can use all the info you find out this year for NEXT year! You’re going to have to be a little more aggressive with your holiday emails to stand a chance this time of year if you want to compete. You can go for quality over quantity: a great subject line with a great offer at exactly the right time might be exactly what your subscriber is looking for this holiday season! There’s still time!

Looking for more products to help you crush it with your emails this Holiday Season?

Check out these top-selling JVZoo Products:

Happy Holidays from Your JVZoo Team!

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