Content may be King, but do you really have time to create it yourself? The answer is probably no, but don’t worry – there are other options. One of the options available to you is to outsource some of your content to others. This isn’t the type of outsourcing where you pay someone pennies for mediocre content that is recycled from 20 different posts about the same exact topic. You are looking for someone who is highly experienced and able to produce high-quality, unique, and shareable content. This includes written content like blog posts and website content, video content for your YouTube or Snapchat channels, and lead generation content, such as landing and sales pages.

The following tips help you navigate the world of outsourcing and make sure you do it the right way.

Provide Detailed Instructions

From the original ad you place looking to have content created, to actually speaking to the person you intend to hire, you need to be as detailed as possible with what you are looking for. If you explain exactly what you want and expect from the writer or other content creator when filling out the ad, it should narrow the results down to people who believe they are qualified. When they start communicating with you about the outsourcing position, reiterate what you expect. If you have a strict budget that you can spend, explain it. If you are requesting a certain number of years of experience or samples, don’t be lax on it. The more detailed you can be in your expectations, the better of a person you will find.

It is also a good idea to start out by providing instructions with every step of the content creating process, instead of just leaving the creative work up to the person you are hiring. While some people are adept at coming up with good resources when listing facts for an in-depth article, others might not be.

Be Honest About What Doesn’t Work

If you have already tried some certain methods of researching or writing content that isn’t working out for you, let the person outsourcing know beforehand. This can give them a good place to start and ensure they are providing you with the highest quality content possible. For example, if you are having them write a series of blog posts for your niche website, and there is one topic of post that just never converts well, let them know. Better to tell them know before they attempt to write about that topic and you lose money. When outsource to someone, the more information you can provide them, the better off the content will be.

Hand Out Assignments Gradually

It can be tempting to hire outsourcers to do all of your extra work at one time, but this is a recipe for disaster. You will end up paying a lot, and might not get back the content you were hoping for. Start slowly by giving them just a couple assignments at a time, then gradually work your way up to having more work produced.

Pay a Decent Rate

While you probably have a budget you are trying to stick to, make the rate you offer for outsourcing realistic. The reason this makes a difference isn’t just so the individual providing you with content gets a fair rate. It also ensures you get quality content. If the rate is too low, you might only get people who are just starting out and will take any project they can find, or someone that submits low-quality work. With a higher rate, you have more people applying, which might in turn offer you someone a little more qualified. Look up the rates for the type of work first, then try to give a reasonable rate.


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