Overcome your fear of the camera & get started making videos

If you have been online in the past few years, you will know that video is making huge strides for online businesses. Many users don’t have time to even read a 500-word blog post – but they do take the time to watch a three-minute video on the same topic.


Because of this, you need to start considering videos for your own business strategy. Now, I know that being on camera can be terrifying for some marketers. However, there are some tips you can use to overcome the fear and learn to enjoy creating videos for your followers.


4 Tips for Overcoming your Fear of the Camera!


  1. Practice Daily


Practice makes perfect, right? In the video world, it can definitely help ease your fear of getting in front of the camera. Each day, pull out your smartphone or turn on your webcam and just chat. Jot down talking points before you begin. Shoot for a longer video each time.


On your first day, a 90-second quickie will suffice. Add a little more conversation and time to your videos each day. After a full week of making videos, you should feel comfortable creating a 3-4 minute video for your fans.


  1. Keep it to the Main Points


You don’t want to write out a complete script to go off of in your videos. If you lose your place or accidentally skip a line, you can become super flustered and botch the entire process.


Instead, create a simple outline for each video you create. Highlight the main points so that you can talk freely as you cover everything necessary in the video. Having the outline will also keep you on track, and avoid any extra fluff (i.e. rambling).


  1. Look Professional – Yet Comfortable


In order to do video for your online business, you want to appear professional. Avoid jumping out of bed and getting straight in front of the camera in nothing but your pajamas.


Take the time to shower and fix your hair. Put on a nice top – you don’t need to overdo it here, but a professional appearance does help when you are in front of the camera.


With that being said, you don’t want to appear too stuffy or uncomfortable in your videos. Choose a filming location that allows you to be more comfortable. Perhaps your favorite arm chair or out on your deck or patio. Something familiar that will help you relax and learn to enjoy talking to the camera.


  1. Learn that Perfect Isn’t Important


Above all, do not let the need for perfection ruin your chances of creating acceptable videos for your business. You don’t have to go out and purchase the most expensive lighting set or an over the top camera for your videos.


Focus more on getting comfortable in front of the camera and producing videos on a regular basis. Having your face out there on the Internet will make you seem personal, and a minor stutter or “umm” will not ruin your reputation.


Video is the way of the future in online marketing. It’s time that you get cozy with the camera and start putting out your own videos for people to get to know you!


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