Many successful affiliate marketers utilize PLR (Private Label Rights) products in their bonus offers in order to increase sales of the products they are promoting. Done correctly, this is an excellent way to offer your customers extra value that they would not get from anyone else and help you to develop a reputation for going above and beyond when it comes to delivering value. However, creating a remarkable bonus entails more than just slapping a bunch of PLR on your download page. In this post, we’ll discuss the proper use of PLR for bonus creation.

Choosing the correct PLR products to offer as a bonus is very important. The first thing to look at is your supplier. While it is possible to purchase, say, 1000 PLR articles or ebooks for $1, more likely than not you’ll be getting very poor quality content. Shop around for good, quality PLR products that compliment your offer. There are many excellent sources of PLR products in the JVZoo Marketplace, or you could simply use Google to find some.

If you are unsure of the quality of content being offered, most reputable PLR providers offer samples on their websites. This is a great way to get an idea of the writing style and usefulness of the content you will get from them. If there are no samples readily available for download, don’t be shy to contact the site owner and ask for some.

Equally important to the quality of the PLR you will purchase to be used as a bonus is the relevance to your original offer. You will want to offer a bonus that is complementary to the product or service you are promoting. You wouldn’t want to construct a bonus that has to deal with video marketing if your original product was about dog training, that just wouldn’t make sense. Think of what would help your customers to broaden their education on the subject matter within your offer and search for PLR that does just that.

Once you have found excellent quality PLR products that are pertinent to your offer, you have two choices. You can offer them as is, which many people do, or you can make the better choice of repurposing and rebranding them as new products that are available exclusively through you. This is a game changer.

Once you have purchased the PLR products, you are free to repurpose them in any way you choose as long as you are abiding by the licensing rules of that product. You can take several articles, make them flow together well, and piece them together as a new Ebook, video, or webinar. You can recreate all the graphics to match your personal brand. Change things up, rearrange them, and make a product that is totally unrecognizable as one that was previously PLR. For some ideas on what kind of products you can create from your PLR, check out our previous post: Clever Bonus Ideas To Offer Your Customers.

Of course, this is going to take some product creation skills and a bit of time, but once you are done you’ll have a brand new, branded, exclusive product to offer your customers that will help you stand out from everyone else! If you do not know how to do it, there are informational products in our JVZoo Marketplace that will teach you how or you could simply outsource the work to someone else.

Having your own exclusive products to offer as bonuses will help you in many ways. Not only will it give you an edge over those who are offering PLR products as-is, it will also help to establish you as an authority in your niche. Doing this will help your customers to develop the knowledge, trust, and affection for you as a marketer who really knows what they need and will go the extra mile for them by giving useful, high-quality bonus products that they can use instead of someone who simply throws a bunch of pre-made, easily recognizable PLR that they can get easily from someone else. So, the next time you are creating a bonus for your customers, consider putting in the time and effort needed to make them the best they can be!


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