repurpose blog content

Are your blog posts collecting virtual dust?

It happens.

Especially if you’ve got a bunch of content on your blog.

Earlier posts may not be as popular as they once might have been.

But, there’s a way to fix that!

There are lots of ways you can repurpose helpful content so that it reaches more people – and therefore gets your blog more traffic!

Keep reading to discover 5 easy ways you can repurpose blog content to ensure maximum exposure for the information you’re sharing with the world!

Create videos

YouTube can be a great source of traffic, and you don’t need to reinvent the wheel in order to get some quality videos driving new readers to your blog.

Simply take a well-performing blog post and convert it into a slideshow or animated video.

Better yet, jump in front of the camera and talk a little more in-depth about a blog post you have previously written.

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Do a Facebook Live

Maybe you have a blog post that has gotten a bit of interaction in the comments.

People want to know more or seek clarification on something you shared in the post.

This is a great time to get on a live chat on Facebook to discuss the topic.

You don’t need to create any new content for your live video – simply reinforce the blog post you have written and answer any questions or comments you’ve received since it was published.

Create a free opt-in offer

If you have ready to start building your email list, offering something for free in exchange for your reader’s address is a great way to go.

They receive something valuable and you get invited into their inbox.


To create your opt-in offer you can simply compile your top posts from your blog into a report to give away.

No extra writing necessary!

Publish a Kindle book

Having a few books on Amazon’s Kindle platform opens you up to another area of new blog visitors – some that may never make it to your blog if you don’t craft a bridge between it and Amazon!

Similar to your free opt-in, repurpose blog content from your top 10-20 posts into a handy guide for your niche.

Include your blog’s link in the beginning and end, so readers know where to find you to learn more of your expertise in the topic of the book.

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Start a Podcast

Transform your written blog content into audio recordings that your followers can digest as they drive down the road each day.

Make their commute entertaining and educational, since they may not have the time to read your blog posts otherwise.

When you repurpose blog content it’s a great way to work smarter, not harder.

Rather than continuously coming up with ideas and writing new blog posts, just work with what you have to ensure the most eyes are seeing the posts as possible!

Looking for more ways to make money with your blog? Check out these products from our JVZoo Marketplace:

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