When you work predominantly online, you can easily find yourself getting caught up in mundane tasks that take away from your income generating activities. This lack of productivity can cause your business to run less efficiently, which can increase costs and decrease profits. Nobody wants that!

Outsourcing some of your more menial, yet essential, tasks can give you the time you need to focus on the things you need to do to make money and give you peace of mind that they are still being taken care of on time. You can find a dependable virtual assistant or even hire someone from a temp service to help assume some of the responsibility of your affiliate marketing business.

Below are seven tasks that you may want to consider outsourcing in order to build your business more efficiently.

1.) That Dreaded Inbox

One of the biggest time-killers most online entrepreneurs face is their email. You log in to check for one thing and before you know it, an hour has passed while you answer questions, sort, label, and delete. A general virtual assistant can easily take over these tasks, allowing you to work on more urgent matters.

2.) Social Media Management

Social media is a time-killer even if you don’t have a career working online! According to Statista.com, as of 2015, daily social media usage of global internet users amounted to 106.2 minutes per day, up from 103.2 minutes in the previous year. Add to that the fact that many internet marketers depend on social media networks for bringing awareness to their brands, and you could be spending way more time working on social media than you should.

Outsourcing social media tasks such as post creation and scheduling, responding to comments, instant messages, etc. can free up a good amount of time and help you stay more focused on other areas of your business.

3.) Autoresponder Maintenance

As an affiliate marketer, you should have an autoresponder in place to keep in contact with your subscribers and those who have made purchases through your affiliate links. You can outsource email marketing tasks such as loading and scheduling emails to be sent to your list or even the actual writing of the follow-up emails themselves.

4.) Content Creation

In an earlier post, we discussed the importance of having a content marketing strategy in place, but many people simply do not have the time to create all the content needed for it to be successful. Content creation is something that can be outsourced quite easily to a virtual assistant or even to a freelancer on a website such as Fiverr or Upwork.com.

5.) Website Development

Many internet marketers decide that they will take on the task of website development and design themselves to save money without realizing how frustrating and time-consuming it can be without prior knowledge and experience. Time is money, though, and the time you might spend educating yourself on how properly to construct a blog, website or sales funnel, then implementing all that newfound knowledge could, in fact, lead to your monetary loss. Outsourcing your website development tasks will ensure that you have a correctly put together site and help you avoid an otherwise frustrating and tedious project.

These are just five of the many things you can outsource to save time and ultimately, money. In all actuality, you can outsource anything that you hate doing or don’t have an affinity for. Stick to doing what you love and what you are passionate about. By doing so, you will always love what you do and won’t find yourself dreading the day to day activities it takes to be a successful internet marketer.

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