There are two particularly popular and effective strategies to making money online – selling products that you have created or selling products as an affiliate.

Both of these business models are capable of producing significant amounts of income, but which one is right for you?

Digital product creation is an excellent skill to have. Being able to come up with a unique idea for your own sell-able product and create the content yourself is something that a lot of people are just not equipped to do. Doing so takes an enormous amount of creativity, planning, focus, and knowledge about the chosen topic.

Of course, if you have the money and an outline of what you want your product to be about you can always outsource the actual work of creation. Then you would only have to worry about putting it all together.

Then again, once you have a product you will also need to create the sales pages with excellent copy in order to obtain buyers. This is another skill that many people do not have. You might need to outsource this as well.

As you can see, product creation can become very timely and very costly.

But, what about the return on investment?

Depending on the quality of your product and the skill of your affiliates, you could potentially make substantially more than what you invested in the creation of your product. If you think about it, though, with many of the products listed on JVZoo, you could be making up to 100% commissions anyway.

Yes, you read that correctly – Up to 100% commissions without having ever to lift a finger to create a product or investing your money in hiring someone to make one for you.

No customer service hassles. The product creator will be responsible for handling all questions, returns and other customer service issues. Once you have made the sale, the only thing left for you to do is collect your commissions.

No responsibility for delivering the product once you’ve made the sale. Again, that is the responsibility of the product vendor.

No overhead, no risk, no time investment. Everything has already been done for you.

Also, you will never run out of products to promote. If you are only relying on your own creations to make money online, you will be severely held back by your own ability to produce quality material. As an affiliate, you have a plethora of ready-to-promote products at your fingertips. Just grab your link and go!

If you would like to try your hand at product creation, don’t let this article stop you! Many very successful marketers have excellent products that they have created themselves and make a ton of money online with them. You can always mix being an affiliate with selling your personally designed products as many people do.

Being either a product creator or an affiliate is a viable way to earn money online. Ultimately, the choice of doing one or the other, or even both, is yours to decide.

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