No matter what kind of website you have – a lead capture page, a blog, a sales page, etc, you must have a steady stream of website visitors in order for it to successfully make money online.

Every single visitor, whether a first time or return visitor, is an opportunity for you to get a lead, make a sale, or hopefully both.

There are many ways to drive traffic to your website, some are considered ‘free’ while others are considered ‘paid’. 

Check out some of the marketing strategies you could use to send more visitors to your website, starting today.

Pay Per Click (PPC) – Pay Per Click (or PPC) Marketing uses search engine advertising, as opposed to organic traffic, to generate clicks to your website. A great example of this is the sponsored ads you see at the top of the page when you do a Google search. You pay the search engine a small fee every time a person clicks on your ad and is sent to your website.

Organic Traffic – Organic traffic refers to website visitors that do not come to your site as a result of paid advertising. This type of traffic is generated by having visitors come to your site after utilizing a search engine and depends highly on your site’s SEO.

Article Marketing – One easy and effective way to drive targeted traffic to your website is via Article Marketing. Simply publish your article in a high-quality article directory such as EzineArticles, and when another website owner uses it, you get free, subtle advertising on their site.

Social Media – Social media is a highly effective and popular way of driving traffic to a website and can be used for paid advertising, attraction marketing, or other means of communication with your followers. Done correctly, marketing on social media can bring a flood of targeted traffic to your website.

Press Releases – Capitalizing on your business’s milestones and accomplishments through the use of press releases is another excellent way to drive targeted and responsive traffic to your site. The links back to your website will also assist you in ranking higher in the search engines, which will increase your organic traffic as well.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) – Optimizing your website for search engines is a great way to get website visitors who are looking for exactly what you have to offer. When people go to the search engines to find what they are looking for, your site could be right there at the top of the list. And, as we’ve mentioned before, more visitors to your site means more leads and sales for you. Be sure your site is Google friendly and that you are updating your content regularly using relevant keywords.

Classified Ads – You can generate website traffic with free or paid classified ads on sites such as Craigslist. When using this type of traffic generation method, always be sure to follow the classified ad site’s rules and structure your ad in such a way that it will not be flagged immediately as SPAM. Not only do the site’s administrators keep an eye out for anything that might look suspicious, but the website visitors themselves do a great job of policing them as well.

Video Marketing – There is no denying the popularity of videos and website owners are taking full advantage of that fact and reaping huge benefits. The use of YouTube and Facebook Live allows you to speak to large amounts of people who might never have heard of you if they were required to read about you. Most successful marketing plans utilize this choice of content in order to direct traffic to their websites.

Forums – Even though forums have been around for almost the beginning of internet time, it doesn’t mean they are no longer effective for getting people to your website. The key to using forums for traffic generation is to choose the forums that pertain to your particular niche and make yourself known as a source of quality information there. This method of generating traffic may take some time, but the quality of traffic will be excellent.

Blog Commenting – It seems that blog commenting has fallen by the wayside as a means to generate traffic, but in reality, it is still pretty effective if done correctly. When commenting on someone else’s blog, keep in mind that your comment is meant to be just that… a comment. Not a blatant ad for what you might be selling. Add value to the original post and establish yourself as an authority on the subject. Of course, you will also need to research the blogs you plan to visit and comment on to be sure they complement your own website’s content as well.

Banner Ads – When placed in the right location, banner ads can be a valuable asset to your marketing toolbox. Choosing the correct website or blog to place your banner will take some research. The design also will play a big part in how effective your ads are. Be sure to use a tracking link on your banners to determine what is working and what is not so you can make the necessary adjustments.With some trial and error, though, it is possible for banner ads to generate leads and sales.

Joint Ventures – During a joint venture, two (or more) people work together towards a common goal. For example, say you have an amazing product but no real source of traffic to expose to that offer. You may join up with another marketer who has access to many people who have an interest in what you have to offer and split the proceeds of the sales and new leads. In this case, it is a win-win situation. You each have a quality piece of the puzzle that needs to be combined in order to generate cash flow.

As we mentioned in our article, Building Your Business With Squeeze Page Bricks, there really is no such thing as ‘free’ traffic. You will either be paying for it with your time or with your money. When you pay with time, your results may not come as quickly, but the results can be longer lasting. When you pay with money, you can see pretty quick results, but you’ll still need to invest the time needed to build actual relationships and authority in your networking sphere. The best option, it would seem, is a combination of both paid and free traffic generation methods which will be required continuously for the duration of your online career.


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Looking for more ways to drie traffic to your site?

Check out these Top Selling Traffic Products on JVZoo:

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