take your email marketing to the next level

If you’ve already started building your list, you may be wondering,
How do I take my email marketing to the next level?”.

You already know that setting up an autoresponder, collecting subscribers & sending emails is only the beginning.

So, what do you do now?

We’re going to assume that you already have a domain name & website that is relevant to your niche where you’ve been using an opt-in box to collect email addresses.

BUT, do you have a landing page?

If you haven’t already, you should consider choosing a landing page solution. There are a lot of them out there, so a quick search on Google can give you an overwhelming amount of options.

Before making a decision consider what you need:

  • Something that will integrate easily with your chosen autoresponder
  • The ability to connect to other apps you may be using
  • Drag & Drop if you’re not super tech-savvy.
  • Pricing that fits well within your budget
  • Analytics & stats so you can set goals and track conversions
  • A/B testing, allowing you to try out multiple versions of the same content at the same time so you can determine what version gets the best results.
  • Customization options for adding snippets of code or tracking pixels
  • Templates if you really want to make sure your page looks great

What about a Thank You page?

This is where your subscriber is automatically redirected to once they fill out your opt-in form.

The most basic thank you page is one that simply thanks the person who has given you their contact information in exchange for your free gift. Or, you could choose to keep the interaction going.

Let’s say that someone has just opted into your list. They filled out the form requesting your freebie and have been redirected to your Thank You page. Instead of ending the interaction there with a thank you and a download link, you could include an unannounced bonus or one time offer.  By doing that, not only did you deliver the freebie they were seeking, but also gave them the option to download or purchase other products relevant to their needs.

And then there’s the email sequence.

Your autoresponder allows you to set up pre-written emails that are sent out in the order and at the times you choose. This is great since all you need to do is write the email once, upload it, choose when you’d like it to be sent and let the autoresponder handle the rest.

A real set-it-and-forget-it type of system.

Scheduling your promotional emails saves a ton of time since you only have to do the work once. And, as your list grows, it comes in super handy. A busy person like you probably doesn’t have time to sit down every day to write a fresh new email.

Oh! And don’t forget about testing!

Now that you’ve got a list of subscribers who are excited and eager to hear from you, you’ll want to keep them happy. It’s a lot easier (and cheaper) to keep current customers than it is to continuously have to go out and find new ones. This is why testing your email marketing campaigns is so important.

A/B testing is one of the most commonly used forms of testing and involves sending out two different versions of your emails. This helps you figure out what is working and what isn’t, and helps improve your conversion rates and increase revenue.

The first thing you need to do is figure out what to test for: click-through rates, conversion rates, or open rates. Once you’ve got that figured out, you will decide which parts of your campaign you want to test.

Some ideas on what to test would be:

  • Your call to action
  • Your email subject line
  • The layout of the message
  • Your closing text
  • The use of images
  • The copy itself

Also, make sure you’re promoting the right products.

Last month we talked about building your niche marketing strategy. Well, choosing the right kind of products to promote to your list falls right into this area of marketing development. Your target audience should be offered content & products that directly tie into your niche right from your very first freebie offer.

Getting opt-ins with a free WordPress app and then sending emails about sustainable living just doesn’t make sense. You’d end up with a bunch of unhappy subscribers who will be removing themselves from your list in record time.

Become an affiliate for products that are helpful to people in the niche you’ve chosen. A great place to find them is by looking at JVZoo’s Top Sellers list. Here, you will find the highest-converting offers in a variety of niches for the current day, yesterday, the week, & the month.  

jvzoo top sellers

Or, if you don’t feel like logging in to search every day, you could subscribe to JVZoo’s list and we’ll send you a daily email letting you know what they are.

Don’t forget to be unique!

It’s tempting to use affiliate swipe files as-is, but with just a little bit of work, you can really make yourself stand out from the crowd. Before you send them out to your list, rework them so they sound like they’re actually coming from you. Use your own unique voice and writing style when you write your emails. Don’t simply copy and paste the same thing every other marketer is using. Yes, it requires a small amount of extra time, but the payoff will be well worth it.

Your email list is the bread and butter of your online business. Take care of the subscribers on your list by sending emails that are relevant, helpful, entertaining & educational and they will take care of you by clicking the buy buttons on the promotional offers you send.

If you need help taking your email marketing to the next level, the JVZoo Academy is a great place to start. Then, check out these Premium Sellers on JVZoo:


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