The Beginner's Guide To Choosing & Promoting Your First Affiliate Product

If you are a beginner at affiliate marketing, choosing which affiliate product to promote can be a bit confusing. You’ve got a ton of emails telling you which product is sure to make you a ton of money, what is ‘hot’ right now, how many other people are having success promoting products A, B, and C and so on. Even googling ‘how to choose an affiliate product’ has left you more confused than ever. It’s enough to make you throw in the towel before you even get started!

In this post, we are going to go back to basics and give you a few tips that a brand new affiliate marketer can use to choose a product that they will feel comfortable enough to promote with enthusiasm and confidence.

Consider your interests and level of knowledge when choosing your first affiliate product.

Just because a particular niche is ‘hot’ right now, does not mean that it is the right one for you. Unless you want to spend a considerable amount of time learning about a new-to-you niche and becoming an expert in that area, it is much smarter to start where you are and with what you are already proficient with.

A person who is already actively learning about blogging and finds an affiliate product that teaches what they either already know or what they want to learn next is better off promoting that product than say, a product about Facebook Ads, which they know little to nothing about and have no interest in at the moment.

Be knowledgeable about the product, how much it costs, what upsells there are and all the ways it will benefit your target market.

Another thing you should do when choosing an affiliate product is purchase it yourself. Look through the products listed at and find something that will help you personally. Put it to the test, learn how it works, develop a first-hand account of what it can do and how you use it. There is nothing like personal experience with a product to give you a voice of authority when speaking to other people about it. How can you recommend something to others without knowing exactly what it is and how it can help them?

Develop a relationship with your audience instead of barraging them with sales pitches.

Affiliate marketing is an excellent way to make money online, but it is very important to remember that people will make purchases through the people they know, like and trust. Provide value to your list, blog readers, Facebook fans and others who follow you online. Make sure that they know you have their best interest at heart and would not suggest they buy something that you wouldn’t use yourself.

Provide regular, valuable content that helps others learn more about what you are promoting, how it will help them and how it has helped you and others. Study successful affiliate marketers in your niche and how they interact with their followers.

Becoming someone others consider to be ethical, honest and possessing integrity in the marketing world will be of enormous help to you in your journey as an affiliate marketer. Seth Godin says, “Our job is to connect to people, to interact with them in a way that leaves them better than when we found them.

As you get your foot in the door to affiliate marketing, let these three tips be a reference guide. When you become more comfortable, you will naturally progress and learn more about the mechanics of SEO, market research, list building, driving traffic to your website, solo ads, etc.. However these three factors should always play an integral part of choosing which affiliate products you promote to your audience.

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