There are many different ways to promote a product to consumers, and of them is with an email list. The email list is crucial for building relationships, giving exclusive offers and promotions, and letting people know about new products that might be useful to them. You definitely want to work on building an email list if you are involved in internet marketing, even if you use paid advertisements and other forms of marketing. Email is not a dying trend; it is still used by millions of people every day. Take a look at some of these reasons to have an email list.

You Can Give Exclusive Offers and Discounts

One of the main reasons people like to have an email list when they are affiliate marketers is because they can promote products to the list. While this is true, you don’t want every single one of your emails to be nothing but links. However, when you do it the right way, you can definitely promote products to your list. It becomes an integral part of your marketing plan, since your subscribers opted in voluntarily so they already trust you to provide them with valuable products that would be useful to them.

The Email Provides Value to Your Subscribers

Make sure you are also using your email to provide value to your subscribers. You want them to have information that is useful to them and that will be helpful depending on the type of list you have. If your list consists of people trying to get fit and lose weight, then you know which direction to go with the various tips and suggestions you include in your emails. Some emails should have nothing but helpful information and no affiliate links, while others the links will fit in naturally with the information provided. It requires a good balance between value and promotion for email to work in your favor.

Most People Still Use Email Regularly

Don’t listen to others who say email is dead. It might be used a little differently than it used to be, but it is still very much alive. People check their email usually on a daily basis and often multiple times a day. People use email for personal and business purposes, often have alerts on their phone, and use it as a primary form of getting information. This is good news for you, because it means there is a higher probability of having your emails read. The more value you provide in your emails, the more often they are going to be read.

It is a Good Way to Connect On a Personal Level

If you want to connect with your followers on a personal level, you can do so in email. You are talking with them casually about your day while also mixing in some value and affiliate promotions. It also gives them the opportunity to reply to the email in a private setting. Your blog followers might feel more comfortable conversing with you or asking you questions through email when nobody else can read it, as opposed to commenting on one of your blog posts. It is good to give them this option.

Email Makes it Easy to Keep in Touch

Having an email list also makes it easy to keep in touch with people. If you have someone that previously asked a question about a product you are promoting, it is easy to contact them after a while has passed and ask if they had any more questions or if they are still interested in that product. It also provides a good way to keep in touch with your followers, even when you aren’t trying to promote something.

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