What To Look For In A Great Affiliate Product

There are many things for new affiliate marketers to learn, such as how to build an email list, where to promote their affiliate products, and how to compete against other online marketers trying to promote the same thing. However, it is also important to start from the beginning, which is with the product itself. These tips help you decide on products to promote, which can definitely make a difference in your success as an affiliate marketer.

Start With an Evergreen Product

While there will be times when you want to promote products that are seasonal, for the most part, it helps to promote evergreen products. To be evergreen, means it can be promoted throughout the year, regardless of the season, holiday, or events of that time of year. This is important because what you promote has more lasting potential, instead of feeling rushed to make as many sales as possible, then no longer being able to promote it further.

For example, if you like to promote novelty toys to a list that enjoys purchasing these products, a Donald Trump bobble head might work great right now, but once the presidential race is over, it isn’t going to be as popular. On the other hand, you can promote a product people use for their health or weight loss, such as a fitness tracker, and you can bet that will be popular year-round.

Get to Know the Person Behind the Product

You should never just promote a product on a whim and hope people buy it. That is never the end of the transaction. Promoting is only the beginning, as your list is then going to receive the product, and might want to return it if it isn’t any good. Even if you don’t request a refund, you might lose subscribers for consistently promoting products from less than reputable sellers. When you start looking for an affiliate product, you should know who has produced the product, not just what the product is. Get to know them, find out what their success rate is and how long they have been creating products in order to decide if you want to promote for them.

Check to See if Affiliate Marketing Tools Are Available

This doesn’t necessary have to make or break your decision to promote a product, but it is definitely helpful. Many sellers are going to provide their affiliates with a selection of marketing to be sued. This might include text ads, graphic ads or creatives, or email swipes that save you a lot of time. When they provide promotional material for you, it gives you a place to start within your promotion and really helps to save you time and energy when it comes to promoting their products.

Consider the Conversion Rate and Value

Looking at your commissions rate is a good place to start when deciding if an affiliate product is a good one to promote, but don’t stop there. Also look at the overall value and conversion rate of that product. If you get 50% commissions, but the product is less than $10, is it really worth promoting if you’re only getting $5 for each referral? Also look at the conversion ate, because that tells you how well it is doing so far.

How Many Niches Does the Product Fit Into?

It is a good idea to find some affiliate products that can fit into more than one niche. It is possible that even if something is technically in the weight loss niche, it also fits in a variety of other niches, so this is something you should research further to see the potential.


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