Why You Need An Email List For A Successful 2017

Affiliate marketers have been touting the importance of having an email list for many, many years. There is no doubt about it, having a group of people who have given you permission to send them emails is one of the key factors of success for anyone who markets online. Now, more than ever, people are heading to their inbox instead of their mailbox to get the latest news and correspondence. If you haven’t already started building a list for your online business, here are some reasons why you’ll want to get started that for a prosperous and successful 2017:


Email is considered by many to be the most professional way to contact customers. Most consumers are already accustomed to giving businesses their email address as a form of communication and expect to be contacted that way after making a purchase. Email is considered to be an accepted form of communication between businesses and their customers and is much more appreciated than sales calls and tons of junk mail.


Email is a more intimate way of communicating with your customers. Unless you plan on handwriting and paying the postage for every piece of content you want to share with your previous and potential customers, email is the way to go. The people who have given you their email address have given you a way to be connected to them 24 hours a day; seven days a week. Take advantage of this and nurture a lasting relationship with them by giving them personal, valuable advice on how to solve their problems.


Email marketing puts you in a great position to educate your customers about all the ways your product or service can help them. You don’t have to browbeat people into buying your stuff, simply explain what you have to offer and how it can benefit them. Provide valuable information about why they have the problem and sensible tips on how to solve it.


Email marketing also allows you to get to know your current and potential customers/clients better. You can send out polls, ask for feedback, and gather information directly from your readers without them feeling awkward or annoyed. This information will help you determine what other ways you may be able to narrow or expand on the issues they may be facing.


Email helps you become unforgettable. One of the downsides for brick and mortar businesses with this amazing world of internet and online shopping is that people do not create relationships with the stores’ employees or owners from which they make purchases from. Email allows online business owners the ability to cultivate and maintain more personal relationships with those people who do their shopping online through affiliates.


Though it is hard to find accurate statistics, it is probably safe to say that most people check their email multiple times a day. People wait for new email. People expect to see new email. Some of those emails should be from you if they have given you permission to send to them. It doesn’t matter if you have scheduled emails weeks in advance, the opportunity to be seen by future and existing customers should not be wasted.
Building an email list can take some time, so if you have not done so already, it is time to begin so that you can make 2017 your best year in affiliate marketing yet. Don’t rely on the impersonal ads copied and pasted on social media sites or traffic exchanges. Get to work building your own subscriber list and start making yourself and your products known.

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