Coming up with ideas for your first product can be intimidating, to say the least. If you are new to affiliate marketing, you may feel that you don’t have enough experience or expertise in any particular area that would enable you to be of assistance to someone else. The truth of the matter is, though, that everyone has knowledge about something that they can teach to others. In this post, we will discuss ways to brainstorm your first (or next) product.

Consider What You Already Know – Almost everyone has something about which they are passionate and have a plethora of knowledge. Perhaps you are the one that everyone turns to for parenting and relationship advice, or you are known for your exceptional baking skills. Think about what you already know and what you’re already good at. This is a great place to start when considering the topic for your first product.

What Do You Want To Learn? – Something else to consider is what you want to learn about and become proficient in. You don’t always have to know everything about your topic before you begin. You could learn as you go and share the knowledge that you glean from your studies.

What Does Your Audience Want To Learn? – If you already have a following, do some research on what problems they are facing and create a course that will help them overcome it. If your niche is in the pet care industry, and your audience has made mention of having difficulty house-training their puppies, you can create a product that helps them with that area of dog ownership.

What Are Your Communicative Strengths? – How will you be delivering your product? Are you better at writing? You may consider delivering your product in written form. However, if you are better at teaching verbally and with hands-on examples, it might be better for you to consider doing a video course.

Determine Your Main Objective. – You will also need to have a clear definition of what you want your product to do. Will this be a stand-alone product, or do you want to have additional products that will go into more depth and teach more difficult strategies?

What Tools Will You Need? – In preparation for the actual product creation, you should sit down and figure out everything you are going to need in order to complete the task. You don’t want to get half-way done with your product and find out that you are missing a key component to its completion. Will you be shooting videos? Make sure that you have the proper equipment to do so. Will you be needing someone to help you create graphics, Ecovers, or sales copy? Don’t wait until the last minute to begin your search for the right assistant.

Where Will You Host Your Product? – Once you have worked out all the details and are ready to launch your product, you will need to decide where you will host it so that it can be easily promoted. Will you be hosting and delivering it yourself, on your own servers? Will you be enlisting the help of affiliates?

Graduating from being an affiliate for someone else’s product to a product creator can give you a nice boost to your online income when you take the time to research subjects that your audience is interested in, that you already possess some knowledge in, or want to learn about, and plan out your product from beginning to end.


    • Nerd joint

      Thank you for this undiluted information

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