content ideas

Coming up with new and exciting content ideas can be difficult when you need to consistently provide your audience with fresh material.

Whether you are a blogger, building an audience on social media, or writing emails to your list, writer’s block can become a real problem.

Here are some ideas that you can use to develop new content no matter what niche you may be in:

A List of Positives (or Negatives) – Listing the benefits or disadvantages of an item or service you are offering is a great idea when you are struggling to come up with something to write about.

For example, if you are in the health industry, you could write about the benefits of following a particular diet. Or, you could write about the downfalls of living a sedentary lifestyle.

Answer a Question – Another excellent way for you to educate your readers is by answering their questions.

You could either choose questions that you already know, through research, that the people in your niche are searching for answers to, or you could take actual questions you have received and answer them publicly.

Remember to always ask for permission to use someone’s name, and respect their privacy if they would rather remain anonymous.

Top 10 Lists – Regardless of what your niche is, there will be certain things that people are searching for.

If you run a blog whose readers are photographers, you could write a post about the Top 10 Cameras For Beginners. If your audience is interested in social media, you could write about the Top 10 Mistakes to Avoid on Social Media.

Fact Lists – People love learning facts about their interests and every niche has a multitude of sub-niches (and the facts about them) that you can write about.

You can also go in the opposite direction and write about misconceptions about a particular topic. This type of post is another excellent way to educate your audience and establish yourself as an authority.

Personal Experiences – One way to really connect with your audience is to give your honest testimony and discuss your personal experience with a given product, service, or item.

Tell them why you purchased it, what you expected, what you experienced, and if you were happy or disappointed with your result.

When you review an item honestly, it helps you gain the trust of your readers and helps them make an informed decision when making a purchase.

Comparisons – Some people are simply horrible at making decisions when faced with choosing between similar types of items.

You can help them out by comparing several solutions to their problems, giving honest feedback about the pros and cons of each and declaring a winner at the end.

How-To – How-To content is simply explaining in detail how to do something that the people in your niche want or need to learn how to do.

For example, if your Facebook Fan Page is targeted towards people who like need blog traffic, you could do a series of posts about how to drive website visitors to your blog.

If you have a blog in the baking niche, you could write a blog post detailing how to make different kinds of flowers made out of icing.

Feel-Good Content – A large number of people who provide content, especially on social media, use inspirational, feel-good content to generate huge amounts of engagement.

People like to feel good, generally, and an inspirational quote or two can be a welcome distraction from all the negativity found on the internet.

Positive stories, testimonials, and personal experiences are all good ways to round out your content marketing strategy and improve your chances of increasing your reach.

These are just a few ideas you can use to break out of a content-producing rut.

Just one of them may spawn several ideas from which you can build a series of blog posts, articles, social media posts, or emails.

Soon you will be back on track and full of great content ideas, no matter what niche you’re in.

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