With our recent focus on the Win An iPad Contest for Premium Users, we’ve received a lot of questions about what it takes to be a Premium Seller. In this post, we will explain the ins-and-outs of earning your stripes with JVZoo by obtaining the esteemed status of Premium Seller.

How To Become A Premium Seller:

You can apply to become a Premium Seller at any time by submitting a support request through our helpdesk. Every six months the JVZoo management team reviews accounts to determine if Premium Seller status should be awarded or taken away. There are certain requirements for those awarded Premium Seller Status, and these include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Minimum of 10,000 units sold
  • 15 percent or less refund rate
  • Minimum of 12 months as a Seller on the JVZoo Platform
  • Proven history of supporting their products
  • A low number of complaints to JVZoo in regards to product quality and overall customer service.

Once approved for Premium Seller status, you will receive an email notification.  In addition, a badge will be displayed next to your name in the public marketplace and also on your checkout page.

If there ever comes a time that it is determined you no longer meet the requirements to maintain your Premium Seller status, you will be notified by email. At that time, the Premium Seller badge will simply be removed from the public marketplace and from your checkout pages.  And while we certainly hope this never happens, to ensure it does not, you should continue to promote and support your products properly and continue to pay your affiliates in a timely manner.

Achieving the status of Premium User should be on the goal list of every serious Affiliate Marketer. Consistently running your business with integrity brings you that much closer to achieving it.

For more information on using JVZoo to promote your own or others’ products as an affiliate marketer, please visit JVZoo.com.

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