Having an email list is essential when you intend to be involved in internet marketing. Many of the promotions you offer are going directly to your email list, who will then decide if they are interested in them or not. However, building a list sometimes requires spending money on advertisements. Luckily, there are also some easy ways to build the email list without breaking the bank.

1. Start a Blog

One of the most effective ways to build a list without spending much money is by having a blog. The blog helps to build the email list in multiple ways. First of all, it allows your website to be targeted, which can then encourage people to sign up for your list simply by visiting the blog more often. You will also be given opportunities to include a CTA at the end of  your posts, encouraging readers to sign up for the email list to get updates on new posts.

2. Get Subscribers By Using Social Media

Social media can be a huge help in all forms of internet marketing, including getting more email subscribers. With social media, the trick is to engage often with those you follow and that follow you. Answer questions that are relevant to your expertise and make sure you have your blog or website link in your profile. You can also simply use a link that goes directly to a squeeze page for your mailing list. When you have a new article or blog post up, post the link on your social media account, and hopefully some of your followers will click it to read the blog post, become interested in what you offer, and will sign up for your mailing list.

3. Write For Other Blogs

Another way to get more subscribers for your email list without spending any money is by contributing to other blogs. Many blogs accept guest posts, where you can talk about something relevant to your own business or the product you are trying to promote. Many bloggers are more than happy to let you include at least one link in your blog post with a CTA. This means you can link back to your own blog and not only mention what you cover on your blog, but a short phrase letting them know about your email list and how it can help them. Keep in mind that many guest blogging opportunities are based on an exchange, so they might also contribute a blog post to your blog.

4. Offer the Opportunity When Customers Make a Sale

If you have an online business where people make a purchase of your product, you can also include an opt-in opportunity during the point-of-sale transaction. There are a few ways to do this. First of all, you can have a box that lets people choose whether or not they want to sign up for your newsletter when they create an account or when going through the purchase process. You can also send a confirmation email to them after their purchase with information about your mailing list.

5. Attend Local Trade Shows If You Sell Physical Products

Old-fashioned methods of getting people to sign up for your mailing list still work great. If you want to go to a local trade show, put out a sign-up sheet letting them enter their name and email address if they want to sign up. You can encourage more sign-ups by giving out a raffle ticket to each person that enters their name, then have a contest at the end of the trade show to give away a prize.

With some ingenuity and a little research, you are sure to find many ways to build your email list without breaking the bank. If you haven’t tried any of the methods mentioned above, choose one or two to implement into your marketing strategy today.

    1 Response to "Five Simple List-Building Strategies That Won’t Break The Bank"

    • […] An autoresponder is also an essential tool you will need in your business. Email marketing is one of the key ways affiliate marketers do business. Having your own list of buyers is key when it comes to success with an online business. You should make it a point to actively be adding to your list every day. You’ll find some ideas on how to build your list rather inexpensively in our post: Five Simple List-Building Strategies That Won’t Break The Bank. […]

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