As you embark on your journey to becoming a successful affiliate marketer, it can be a wonderful feeling when you finally get that very first sale. Unfortunately, getting the first sale is often the hardest one. While it does take a lot of hard work, it is possible for anyone to succeed in affiliate marketing by using the right methods. Here are five helpful tips on making your first affiliate sale.

Start Building Your List Right Away

A common mistake people make when they begin their journey with affiliate marketing is waiting too long to start gathering prospects to their email list. Even if you aren’t ready to send emails out just yet, you should already be thinking about building your list. Choose an autoresponder provider to go through, and  learn how to use their templates. While you may get some affiliate sales through your website, blog, and other marketing methods, building a list is crucial.

You should have multiple places for people to sign up for your list, beginning with your website or blog. Make it very clear how readers of your blog can sign up for the list with an opt-in on the page or in the sidebar. It is also good to offer some type of special discount, exclusive report, or other free gift to encourage more people to opt in. Building relationships with your subscribers can be the most important task you undertake as an affiliate marketer.

Provide Information Through Different Forms of Media

While many people will read content on a website or blog in order to get information they need, others prefer different forms of media. You might want to include direction to some of your other social media sites in your newsletters or your blog so your followers have more outlets for what you are trying to provide. For example, if you didn’t get a lot of responses from a written blog post, add a short video of you talking about the same topic, or give a tutorial through a simple slideshow. Have an infographic on posts that give a summary of the topic.

Continue Promoting Your Offer, But Not In Every Email

Many internet marketers give up if they don’t see conversions right away, but this is one of the worst things you can do. You want to keep promoting your offer and find new offers that might be even more appealing to people who have signed up for your list. Try different ways of promoting it, such as using a different social media site, wording your emails differently, or working with a different squeeze page. Anything you can do to get the attention of your readers and engage them increases the chances of selling your first product.

Of course, you don’t want to only be known for sending messages asking your list to buy something. Don’t forget to give them other useful information and ‘thank you’ gifts for allowing you to email them. Appreciation for your list will get you a long way in this industry.

Use Keywords and Link Building With Your Blog

Your blog can become an excellent source for affiliate marketing. Blog posts should be informative, helpful, and engaging. You don’t want them to be all about promotion, but provide information your readers are looking for with a natural flow of other posts with links that lead to affiliate products you are promoting that fit the topic. To get more people viewing the blog posts, utilize keyword research. While it isn’t used quite as much as it once was, using keywords for organic search engine results is still important.

Have a Great Squeeze Page

Having an excellent squeeze page that gets the attention of your prospective subscribers is essential to building a list and making affiliate sales. You will want to have something unique, with a great offer that people will readily give up their contact information in order to receive. Opt-in gifts can be anything from a well written report, a video series or simply exclusive membership to your VIP group where you offer members-only discounts and freebies. You can read more about how to put together a simple squeeze page here.

Getting your first affiliate sale is an exciting and inspiring moment. Following these tips and others found here on the JVZoo blog will help you get to that point in your new career faster and with much less confusion.

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