Millions of people access social media every day, but not just for personal use. It is also frequently used for business. As an entrepreneur, you should have a wide range of advertising methods for your business, and social media definitely needs to be one of them. The following information provides some solid reasons why you should be using social media regularly as an entrepreneur.

You Can Reach Millions of People

One of the top reasons why entrepreneurs should use social media is because you will reach a lot of people. Whether you are using it for free or paid advertising, networking, or simply to get more people’s attention for your blog or product, you can potentially reach a lot of people with the right targeting. The most used social media site as of the second quarter of 2016 is Facebook, with over a billion active users each month. There is a massive audience for you to tap into. Twitter has over 300 million active users, while Instagram has over 500 million users and Pinterest is quickly moving up with over 100 million active users per month. Just think of all the opportunities waiting for you.

Posts on Social Media Show Up in Search Results

Another way social media is important to business owners, marketers, and entrepreneurs is because your posts use keywords, which allow them to show up in search results. In fact, social media sources are often at the top of the list. Choose any keyword you want to include in one of your posts, and search for it on Google or Yelp. You are likely to find some top results where that keyword is used on Twitter, Facebook, or even in a YouTube video. A lot of Pinterest boards also top the search results list. This shows you just how important your keywords and hashtags are when posting on social media.

Social Media is Free to Use

Don’t forget that while there are paid ads on social media sites, they are also free to use. When you are first starting out, you might have a very small advertising budget, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t plenty of ways to advertise your business or the products you are trying to promote. Just by posting about your website, new products, or your latest blog post link, you will start getting more activity. If you are offering a free report for opt-ins, let your Twitter and Facebook followers know about it. When you start using Facebook Live or Snapchat, those short videos will also help you to get more recognition in your industry. Even small things can turn out to make you more successful.

It is Easy to Plan and Schedule Future Posts

If you are concerned about when to post on different social media networks, you will be glad to know that there are social media management tools that make it quick and easy. As an entrepreneur, you should know that just posting about something once on social media doesn’t always get their attention. People sometimes need to be reminded about something a few times before they truly take notice. You can plan out all your social media posts on the different networks ahead of time and schedule them, so that even on a day off, the work is already being done for you.

Social Media is Excellent For Networking

Definitely think about the networking opportunities available through social media. You should follow and interact with others in your same industry and niche market, not just people you think will buy from you. When you network with others, they let you know about opportunities, as you can do for them. You help each other grow and learn new things, while helping both of your businesses.

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