inexpensive ways to promote an affiliate product

You don’t need to break the bank to succeed as an affiliate marketer.

But, you do need to get the word out about the product or service you’re offering in order to make sales. People can’t buy a product they’ve never heard of!

And while you may be under the assumption that it will cost an arm and a leg to market online, that’s not necessarily true. With a little bit of know-how, you can spread the spread the word quite inexpensively – even for free!

Here are some ideas on how to market your affiliate products without breaking the bank:

Content Marketing – This is an essential part of online marketing that consists of creating and distributing valuable information that encourages the sale of your product.

Excellent content marketing includes content that sells, explains, engages, and excites. It is not a bunch of ads and dry, salesy bullet-points posted on every imaginable website, but more of a conversation between yourself and your readers, helping them to know, like, and trust you enough to buy from you.

Blogging – Having a blog is a wonderful way to allow your potential clients and customers to get to know you and what you have to offer. It’s cheap to set up and can greatly increase your credibility, not to mention website traffic to your offer’s website.

Running a blog is relatively easy to master, though many marketers do decide to outsource this task. Whether you do the writing and posting yourself or have someone else do it for you, a blog is an excellent way to market any product or service you would like people to know about.

Video Marketing – If you’ve done any kind of research about video marketing, I’m sure you’ve seen some remarkable statistics on how important it is for increasing leads, sales, and website traffic. Unfortunately, many marketers neglect this marketing strategy and miss out on all of its benefits.

Research has shown that video produces more conversions than any other type of content and even adding them to your emails can give you a 200-300 percent increase in click-through rate.

Social Media – There is no denying the power of social media.

According to, 78% of Americans had a social media profile in 2016 and that number is estimated to rise dramatically in the years to come.

Put some research into what social media platforms your target market hangs out on and make your presence known there.

SEO – Search Engine Optimization is, generally speaking,  the practice of using codes and specific keywords on your website in order to rank higher in the search engines.

The quicker that someone can find you when they go searching online for a product or service that you offer, the more chance you have of them making that purchase from you. Ranking high in the search engines will help establish your credibility, increase your website traffic and ultimately pay off in more sales and income.

Groups & Communities – Being a part of a group of people who have a common interest in the product or service you offer is an excellent way to market your business. You can find these both online, on social media platforms and private forums and offline, in your community.

Not only will you gain recognition as someone who can help them, but you will also be in a unique position to gain valuable insight and information on additional areas of your chosen niche that you may be able to branch out into.

Your Email List – Affiliate marketers who have spent time building a responsive subscriber list have a valuable asset when marketing their products and services.

The people on their list have already given permission to the marketer to send them emails, have shown an interest in their niche, and most likely will read the information sent to them. Thus, having your own list is a must for online businesses and affiliate marketers. If you haven’t done so already, begin collecting leads through a lead capture page and build your own niche-specific list.

Marketing online does not have to be expensive, though it will take some time and effort. Use the methods above to spread the word about what you have to offer and with consistent, daily practice, your efforts will pay off.

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