Many people have a hard time getting the things they need to do, but don’t want to do, done. Is this an issue for you?

Even if we know that putting things off will make life harder for us, sometimes getting started can feel almost impossible. Unfortunately, when procrastination starts interfering with your job-related tasks, it can have a negative effect on your income as well. As entrepreneurs, we simply cannot allow this to happen.

Here are seven strategies for kicking the procrastination habit so your online income doesn’t suffer:

  1. Create A Schedule And Stick To It – If you have a particular task that you dislike and have been putting off, begin by making a decision that you ARE going to do it and put it in writing. Schedule the time you will work on it and stick to that schedule. As your own boss, you need to be able to hold yourself accountable. Make the decision, plan and schedule the time and get it done.
  2. Work In Smaller Time Slots – If your project is very time consuming, don’t try to tackle it all in one sitting. Schedule several smaller time periods in which you will be devoted to that, and only that, project. Breaking it down into three or four shorter work sessions can help you to keep to your deadline and not overwhelm you with a frustrating activity.
  3. Do The Hardest Part First – Frequently, there is one part of the assignment that is causing you to procrastinate and not the entire project. If this is the case, do the hardest part first and get it out of the way. Once that is done, you’ll be able to breeze through the easier work without having the least liked piece weighing on you.
  4. Be Prepared For The Start Of Your Project – Having everything you need already available will make completing your dreaded task much easier and less frustrating. Don’t wait until the last minute to gather all your research or tools you need to finish your work. If you need to, schedule the preparation into your calendar before you schedule the actual work.
  5. Choose The Best Time To Work – We all have different times of day when our productivity is at its best. If you’re not a morning person, don’t schedule a frustrating task in the beginning of your day. Likewise, if you are tired and distracted at night, don’t wait until an hour before bedtime to begin, either. Choose a time when you are normally alert and will not be interrupted to work on the task.
  6. Reward Yourself For A Job Well Done (And On Time!) – Positive reinforcement doesn’t only work on children. Everyone enjoys getting a reward for doing a great job, and I bet you’re no different. After all, you deserve it! It doesn’t need to be anything extravagant or expensive, but that is entirely up to you!
  7. Outsource It – If you simply cannot or will not complete your task on time, the best thing to do would be to let someone else do the work for you. While you will have to spend some money, it will be worth it to just relax and not have to worry about doing the hated task yourself.

Procrastination is a nasty habit that causes a ton of unneeded stress. Living with that kind of stress simply isn’t necessary. Start using these strategies to kick the procrastination habit today. Just imagine how great you’ll feel when you overcome it and don’t have to worry about deadlines creeping up on you anymore.

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