domain name

When you’re involved in Internet Marketing, buying a new domain name becomes a regular practice. Every time you start a new website or blog, whether it is a single web page for a landing page or an in-depth informative blog, you need to have an excellent domain name.

Here are seven things to consider when choosing your new domain name.

1. Can you build a brand around it?

Domain names should be easy to remember and very easy to incorporate into your brand. Even for smaller blogs or websites, the domain needs to be something others will remember without having to bookmark it. It should also be simple for them to relay someone else. Branding includes the way a domain looks, sounds, and is represented, so keep that in mind.

2. How easy is it to type?

One thing people don’t often consider is how hard or easy a domain name is to type. If the words are confusing and hard to spell correctly, it is probably not the best domain for you. If you have ever entered a domain and it was incorrect, you know how easy it is to do. Try to use regular dictionary words that don’t get too fancy or complicated. Make sure you avoid words that are frequently misspelled such as judgment (often mistakenly spelled like judgment).

3. Can you incorporate keywords?

Your domain name does more than just representing your new business or website, it is also descriptive of the type of website you have. This is done by using at least one short-tail keyword right in the domain name so people automatically know what the website is about. If you have a domain name that just includes a person’s first and last name, they might not know what the website is about. But if it includes your name and a phrase to describe what you do, it makes a little more sense.

4. Are social media accounts available for it?

You might have looked up the domain name to make sure it isn’t already being used, but have you thought about looking up social media accounts and blogs as well? Even if the address isn’t being used, there might be someone with that exact name for their Twitter or Facebook account. This means you will have to choose something else, which can be confusing to your followers. Try to find a domain that is available for social media accounts with the same name.

5. Are other websites too similar to the domain?

Researching a domain is also important because you can see if there are others that are close to your domain and website name. This means searching to see if similar versions of the same word are being used, such as another domain spelling “xpress” while you used “express”. These are much too similar and can create a lot of confusion.

6. How long is the domain name?

If you can, try to keep the domain name on the short side. This makes it easier to remember, brand, and tell others. It is also easier to create logos and branding graphics when you have a shorter domain name. Not to mention the fact that it much easier for others to keep it in their mind and not have to constantly look up your domain name.

7. Have you tried saying it out loud?

Finally, say the domain name out loud as if you are telling it to someone and see how it sounds. It should make sense, be easy to say, and be something where another person would know exactly what you are saying.

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